Our Story



There are symbols of Christianity that have been used for centuries. It was on the cross that Jesus Christ was crucified and continued in great agony to suffer the pains and for the sins of all of God's children. It was there that He gave His life so that we will live again. This infinite Atonement--Jesus's suffering and death that heals and redeems us from sin and will resurrect us from death, is the greatest of all the events in human history and gifts from God and His Son to each of us. On the third day following His crucifixion, the Savior triumphantly broke the bands of death and emerged from the Tomb as the resurrected Christ. We rejoice in this incomparable, marvelous event! In December 2018, I felt a desire to create a symbol depicting the fulfillment of His supernal act of love...a symbol which brings joy, faith, peace and hope in the Living Christ. As ideas passed through my mind, it became clear that the symbol should be an opened tomb with an elongated arch, a squared base and a half circle representing the cut stone that partially covered the opening to the empty tomb. For about 14 months, the idea was put on hold. In April 2020, during a worship service celebrating the Risen Lord, a feeling came over me that confirmed the need to complete the design of what became, over two millennia ago, the “Empty Tomb”. A beautiful pendant was to be the initial offering. During its development, subsequent ideas led to other pieces incorporating the original design. May you remember Him when you see the Empty Tomb symbol. May you be inspired, uplifted, filled with hope, and have His life changing Spirit with you...always.


Like the new symbol, we wanted a name that held special meaning. Many were considered but none seemed to fit, until it finally happened. While searching in the Aramaic language, which scholars believe Jesus spoke, we discovered the word "Gmeera". Gmeera translates into "perfect" and "all-inclusive"...a reminder of our Savior's perfect power to save and love for all.


Are you searching for a stunning, enduring piece of jewelry or other creative products that hold special meaning for you, a dear friend or a loved one? GMEERA specializes in art forms that symbolically illustrate moments or events that touch our hearts, build faith, uplift and inspire. Our products are expertly crafted and designed, unique, durable, creative, attractive and pleasing to the sixth sense.


When you order from us, whether it's your first or tenth time, you become part of our family. During your search for the perfect gift for yourself or another, we are here to assist you.


We are grateful for you, our loyal customers. We will endeavor to ensure uncompromised quality in our products and strive to make your experience with Gmeera positive and satisfying.